Monday, March 1, 2010

HW #42- More reasurch more thinking.

Question: Why does violence occur in school?
Accusation: School is the battle feild for bullying, isolation and violence.
insights: I wonder in my mind what it is about the set up of school that causes there to be violence? School is set up to put kids of the same age in one grade and kids of another age in the other, there is social interaction everyday between students. Everyone has different personalities and ways about going things. there some teenagers who feel they dont belong and it makes them vonerable for other people to think the same thing. Our previous cool unit we talked about the characters that we play and who is and isnt cool. The people who are considerd popular and cool usually are the ones making fun of other kids and it drives boys and girls to act there anger out in ways of violence. Some kids inflict this anger on themselfs by trying to commit suicide and cut or cause injurys on themselfs. And then there the kids who feel they must inflict the pain on everyone in and around the situation because its there only way out of there feelings.