Monday, September 14, 2009


So as i sit at my computer table, i have my itunes running, my cell phone is to the right of me and my computer is running as well. Thats three digital sources all at the same time. i cant do my homework without it so what does that say about how i have adapted to digitalization. Life seams to be so much more important with it, it occupies our time and gives us something to do. we rely on it everday and its obvious that we cant live without it.everyone craves the newest devices, and the newest devices do more for us and make life one big shortcut.
what ive come to notice is Digitalization is not perfect, we hype it up so make it seam like its indistuctable when were putting all our trust into a piece of technoligy that isnt perfect. things break, malfuction, crash, blow fuses, explode in come cases, catch fire, shut down. it cant last forever so when it suddenly stops working what are we going to do? Can we stop living digitally? Are we acting differently because of it? How have we evolved mentally, physically and emotionally sence it has begun?


  1. Katherine,

    From the first sentence you really drew me into your post. The funny thing is I am exactly the same when it does to doing my work. I am sure we are not the only ones.

    I thought your whole idea about how we rely so much on digital objects to keep us going and get through the day was really interesting, Your completely right though we do and we don’t realize that all of these objects will one day die just like humans do. Maybe that’s why we are so drawn to them the idea of something lasting and not breaking down on us?
    As I said before the way you do your homework is the way I do mine. Surprisingly enough though at this moment my itunes isn’t playing and my phone isn’t beeping from texts. I actually feel like I can get my work done a lot faster without the distraction. I’m not picking and choosing songs, or talking to someone about something that could wait.

    I think you have a great start. I think you could expand on this whole idea of what perfection is and how once your object stops being perfect how we react as addicts. You could explore the whole idea of why companies make objects imperfect and how they map it out so it lasts for just the right amount of time so we trust them to buy another one.

    I remember when I got my first I-pod it was in 5th grade and it was the mini I-pod. A year later they came out with the new I-pod and I wanted it so bad. Even though mine was still in perfect condition and worked perfectly fine. Even at that age I was already part of this addiction!

    I enjoyed reading your post. Keep up the good work!

  2. i like the fact that you explan the main topic why are the people now adays use so much tech. in my own word i would have said that every genaration gets more andvance from the last such as the genaration of pong compared to our genaration now where we have the xbox 360, ps3, an also the wii. pong was just 2 things that slide up an down that hits a ball like tennis now with the new genaration we have everything from being able to play them old game on it to being able to play with people across the world. but you did hit some good arguement topics. from the pong to the 360 people have been addicted to the up coming tech but the only thing we can do is jump on the band wagon an buy them to.

    it was nice to read your blog an being able to comment on it with our new age tech i hope we can read more later on in the year

  3. Katherine,

    I liked how I was able to connect with your blog. The way you talked about listening to music, texting, and doing your homework. I also like the questions you asked at the end of the post. They got my thinking.
    The section of the post I like the most was the part when you stated how imperfect these digital items were. But yet we still depend so much on them. But if they are so imperfect why do we depend so much on them? Without them most people would be bored. I also like that part where you said that there is always new stuff coming out. Everyone wants what is new.

    The Main Point of the blog was that everyone, adult and students depend so much on these digital objects that are flawed. The break, burn out, and get old but yet we sill base our lives around these object. In a way we are slaves to digital substance. With out the computer and digital we go back to the Stone Age where they had nothing.
    This also connects the class discussions we had. Why can’t we stop and look at the sky or not use our technology? And what will happen to the future? The question you brought up was could we stop ourselves. And I believe that we can’t. We are so into digital that all we can do is to regulate how much digital we use.
    I also often get distracted by other electronics while I do my homework. And I think in this day and age everyone gets distracted while doing work. The Idea that Andy brought up that we could think for more then 10 seconds at a time is an example of this. Since we are surrounded by technology they is always a distraction. I also can connect to always wanting to get the new things that come out. The ads always make the things seem so nice and the new features added are always cool.

    One thing that you can work on is to try to make it longer. One thing you could have done was to give your opinion on what you thought were the answers to the questions you posted. You could have also added on to how imperfect the gadgets we use are. Maybe add a story of a phone blowing up that you found online of something from your life that showed how delicate the electronics we use are.

    Thanks for the great ideas. I look forward to see the next post.
