Thursday, November 19, 2009

Short Story

Kennith fixed his eyes on her, going through each part of her, her hair, her eyes, her skin and her smile. Feeling a strong need to talk to her she stands up from his chair and sits next to her. He says "i couldnt help but notice you had something in your hair, let me take it out for you" feeling the soft strands of her hair and inhaling the sweet smell.

Girl: "Oh really, thanks alot" She smiles and from that day they are inseprible.

(a few weeks later)

Kennith: " we need to talk, i feel like we havent been the same latley, one minute your happy and the next your mad and you take it out on me. i feel like your not the same girl i met a few weeks ago."

Girl: "(deep breath) things have just been rough latley (rolling her eyes in fustration) you cant expect me to tell you everything that goes on in my life."

Kennith: "im the person in your life that you tell everything to, your supposed to trust me." (sensing something bad is about to happen he prepares himself

Girl: "To tell you the truth i just dont like you as much anymore, it wasent what i thought it was going to be and im dissapointed."

Kennith: " why didnt you tell me this before? (picking up his backpack gettin ready to walk out of the conversation."

Girl: "because ithought things would get better and they didnt!(raising her voice) i dont understand why your so upset, we were never serious to begin with."

Kennith: "How the fuck are you gonna do this to me, ive done so much for you and this is wat i were just fucking around with my head werent you...well you know what i dont need a girl like you, a bitch who thinks the world revolves around her only. never call or text me again"

Kennith takes his bag and walks away realizing that this girl is only a lesson to helping him find a better girl for him. He cant help but feel heartbroken on the inisde but knows that theres a girl out there who's gonna appreciate him.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Constructive Exploration of Cool

We just started our new unit of "Cool" which i find to be an intresting topic that everyone can participate in.

when i think about "being cool" some questions that came to mind werehow can we define someone as cool when we all have different ideas of wat cool is? Who came up with the refrence that someone is cool? is there a limit to how cool you can be? is being cool a good or bad thing? is there even such a thing as being cool? what does it mean to be uncool? can you be cool in moderation?

my thoughts about being cool is that yes we may notice a certain person gettin more attention then other people butthat doesnt make them any better then anyone else were all on a equal level. the typical thought of what it means to be cool is someone that everyone likes and theperson who has all the friends and that all the boys or girls like, has the lastest things in clothing and electronics and lastly is physically attractive a large percentage of the time. i think 100 percent of the time being cool is based off of what people see on the outside.

from my point of view someone who is cool is somebody who shares the same intrest as me, someone whos really funny and smells cleean. 2 out of 3 isnt based of looks so kudos to me (lol)

I think there deffinitly different types of cool because everyone has a different idea of what is cool to them. i think that the things we see in other people that we like and wish we had in ourselfs is what we find cool.

I wouldnt say that im cool and i wouldnt say that im uncool. im just myself, i dont base my life off of trying to be cool or uncool. i act the way i please and if people find it cool them great and if people dont find it cool thats fine to, i cant please everyone, mainly to be happy with myself.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Digital Art

I got my first sidekick LX in 10th grade two years ago. It was my very first big digital Reaction is a creepy but my from Katherine Velasquez on Vimeo.

I believe my art is a ,mirror and a hammer because im showing that every way we turn we see digital, with our friends, family and our parents. we cant avoid it so might as well accept it but on the other hand these pictures and videos are just proof of how consumed we are in the digital world.

My reaction to my own art was i laughed at first because i looked like a loser in my video (lol) but also because i realized how worked up i got in my video over one digital device. the amount of joy this one item brought me suprised me. seeing the video was much different then experiencing it. my rection to pictures i had taken in the past was wow i have maybe 100 more pictures of me and other people doing digital things and the pictures themselfs come from a digital item so that didnt come as a suprise to me.

The most intresting part of making my art was that i found it really fun to go throught pictures and videos. i like being digital personally. i know that if i was stranded on a desert island that my digital items wouldnt help me but i like it and i guess im part of those group of people who cant live without there phone and xBox but that doesnt make me a defective person