Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Constructive Exploration of Cool

We just started our new unit of "Cool" which i find to be an intresting topic that everyone can participate in.

when i think about "being cool" some questions that came to mind werehow can we define someone as cool when we all have different ideas of wat cool is? Who came up with the refrence that someone is cool? is there a limit to how cool you can be? is being cool a good or bad thing? is there even such a thing as being cool? what does it mean to be uncool? can you be cool in moderation?

my thoughts about being cool is that yes we may notice a certain person gettin more attention then other people butthat doesnt make them any better then anyone else were all on a equal level. the typical thought of what it means to be cool is someone that everyone likes and theperson who has all the friends and that all the boys or girls like, has the lastest things in clothing and electronics and lastly is physically attractive a large percentage of the time. i think 100 percent of the time being cool is based off of what people see on the outside.

from my point of view someone who is cool is somebody who shares the same intrest as me, someone whos really funny and smells cleean. 2 out of 3 isnt based of looks so kudos to me (lol)

I think there deffinitly different types of cool because everyone has a different idea of what is cool to them. i think that the things we see in other people that we like and wish we had in ourselfs is what we find cool.

I wouldnt say that im cool and i wouldnt say that im uncool. im just myself, i dont base my life off of trying to be cool or uncool. i act the way i please and if people find it cool them great and if people dont find it cool thats fine to, i cant please everyone, mainly to be happy with myself.

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