Sunday, January 10, 2010

HW 33-Cool Paper Outline

Thesis/Central idea: The fake is real. Its a never ending chain of us trying to be cool so we can never really be authentic so we accept that who we are is partially becuase of others so its kinda fake so our fake is accepted so its real.

Main Ideas:

The Merchant of Cool videos from PBS. Specifically targeted to us teenagers, seeing how we change over time so that marketing companies know how to modify the next concept they want to advertise to us so that we can stay updated and be "cool" with the latest things. Also that they create a "Mook" as a person we can look up to depending on the type of sterotype it is weather its the jackass,prep,vally chick,jock or rebel.

Theorizing about cool and where does this sence of emptiness come from and our need to have meaning. these lifestyles are set up for us and if we dont meet those standards then we arent considerd cool or meaningful. we have a natural desire to be wanted by people physically and emotionally.

The reading we did in class about hpw we are all actors preforming a character and our goal is to make peeople believe that we are the characters that we are preforming and not the people that we really are.

we did interviews with people and asked them if they changed the way the acted and the way they looked to make other people liked them and the typical responce was "no" but we all do it in some way or another we just dont like to admit it

we chose a specific part of a person like tattoos and tried to theorize why people got tattoos and what the true meaning was behind them. alot of people saw it as a very meaningful piece of there body and we could only assum that other people got them to create an image for themselfs.


  1. Great thesis - you're trying to say something already paradoxical, so you have to word it as cleanly as possible. Great start.

  2. I think that your rough draft was a real good start. In your thesis, you stated that we are actors/actresses that performs in some role in this world that is not truly us because family, friends, and the media force us to act that way. Also love the way that you said "cool" don't have any limitations. It's true because we all go for more than our looks. We try to change our personalities, appearance, the way we walk, etc. But What I do think you should do is connect back to a philosophers ideas and quote what they had to say about cool and agree or disagree with them. I mean you do have insightful thoughts about cool but expand more with resources backing you up. My perspective on one is: Viktor Frankl’s theory of emptiness: "If meaning is what we desire, then meaninglessness is a hole, an emptiness, in our lives. Whenever you have a vacuum, of course, things rush in to fill it." Emptiness plays a crucial role for us because it's what gets us so ramped up about being so cool. This can be used for you paper if you would like because it helps explain your argument about emptiness. Good Start.
