Wednesday, February 24, 2010

HW #41 internet reasurch on schooling

ABC News/ Primetime- How mean can teens be?

In this article, the main idea that is being pitched is that being in school isnt the only way to be mean to other people anymore. it states that girls are more likley to be mean to each other then boys and that girls go for the "emotional jugular".

What i noticed about this article was that they clearly mentioned that new technoligy now a days makes it easier for teenagers to be mean to each other but what i think there missing is where it all begins. In school. Without school the chance of these kids meeting is slim, the pressures of teenage existance lies within the battlefield of school.

Rachel Simmons, author of the book Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls.

Rachel Simmons book adresses the issue of "the hidden culture of agression in girls. " which happens to be a hidden issue in most middle and high schools. Her book tells a story of a girl who becomes unknowingly involved in the cruel world of girls. Thinking that these girls are her friends they begin to slowly torment her. the torment included death threats, hate mails and social exclusion in adition to emotional blows. She finally becomes fed up and tries to commit suicide. Thankfuly she survives and is now aware of this secret world of girls and begins to rebuild the pieces of her life.

I think this book is a perfect example of the topic im trying to convey.Like i said ealier school is the battle field for this hidden culture. In the adult world these kinds of acts are unaceptable and there consiquences but why is it that when it happens in schoolthere arent any consiquences? If anything its even more crucial for these consiquences to be enforced in school because it shapes how we become when we are adults. adults are better equipt to handle problems like this but were only teenagers, our minds arent fully developed, were going through puberty and life changes.


School Shootings,

The website gives an over all over view of the reasons and stories behind schools shootings and the type of kids who become violent and why.

Many of the shooters told Secret Service investigators that alienation or persecution drove them to violence. According to the United States Secret Service, instead of looking for traits, the Secret Service urges adults to ask about behavior:

1. What has this child said?
2. Do they have grievances?
3. What do their friends know?
4. Do they have access to weapons?
5. Are they depressed or despondent?

The two reasons they mention on the list are alienation and persecution which is basically they have no one to interact with in school because they have been exiled from social interaction and they feel personally targeted and mistreated.

Monday, February 8, 2010

#39- First School Assignment

Part A- One question I have for school is why do we get homework, like it really ticks me off to know that after I sit in school for six hours I have to go home and continue it again. the reason I fail someone of my classes is because I'm too tired to do my hw and I think its pointless. A school experience that I've always remembered was in 3rd grade when I first came to this school called PS.116(worst school of my entire life) I had a teacher named Teresa and she was always yelling at someone and one day she decided to yell at me because someone was reading there poem and i couldn't hear so i asked for them to read it again and she embarrassed me in front of the whole class by saying "what do you think your cute or something, hes not gonna read it again to shut up and be quiet." it really upset me and i never liked school again.

Part B- School is good in the aspect that it gives us an opportunity to meet people from different places in the world. It lets us create bonds with people we become close to. the only thing making me go to school everyday is knowing that I'm going to see my friends and get away from problems at home and its a change of scenery. The suck part about school is for me personally its very challenging at times. it determines my future and pushes me to my limits sometimes. During those times it makes me never want to go to school again but the system has made it so that I don't have a choice, either go to school and make a good life for myself and suck up the hard times or give in the towel and be a "Failure" a lot of us don't want that.

#38-Cool Art Project

The insights this piece of art gives is a way of life. If you cannot be loved then your life has no purpose. It starts off small when were younger, as crushes. As we grow it turns into something deeper. We feel that if we cannot be loved or liked then we are not socially accepted.

Are the Beatles right when they say "All you need is love?" Do we try to act cool to attract someone to love us. As teenagers in our social group we stand out when were not like everyone else. For a teenage girl in a group of four if shes the only one without a boyfriend then how does she look? And why is it that we look at each other that way? Does our need for cool lessen when we do find love? I think so because we don't have the need to impress anymore because we have met our goal. When we think about someone who has the perfect life we think about this person having the perfect husband or boyfriend and being happy. So being cool may not be that fun anyways. You have to expose your cool to attract someone, but things never works out the first time so your "Cool" is constantly being damaged.

The Process for my art project was fairly simple. I choose something that meant a lot to me and i took my own feelings and observations and wrote what I did above. I did this project alone.

Finding this art and posting it I think wouldn't be as cool as experiencing it.