Thursday, December 3, 2009

HW 27- Informal reasurch, Intreviews and Surveys

From interviweing people on the street, my friends and my family and my reaction is that someone of the answers were typical, dipicting someone who is cool as being somene who has money and wears nice clothing and has alot of self confidence. someone of the better answers came from people who were closer to me like my family. im guessing so because they want me to find the coolness within me and not create it on the outside. my aunts definition of someone who is cool was someone who is sucessful, inteligent, confident, reliable. my friends idea of being cool is being yourself. haveing people notice you for the right reasons like being well dressed and well put together. like andy was saying in class not being socially clumsy.

The family member I chose was my cousin and i think hes cool because hes sucsessful and inteligent. hes always buying the latest electronice to stay updated and he has to sides to him, he can be serious and funny. hes always willing to help someone and i always make fun of him and say hes Rico Suave because of how hes always meticulous about how he looks.

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