Sunday, December 20, 2009

Theorizing of cool

Where does the source of our emptiness come from & the need to have meaning?

In everyday life we notice that alot of the worlds attention goes to the people who are "cool", either for what there wearing, the way they carry themselfs and how they look. I think the main source of feeling meaningless is the want to be approved of. we desperately want approval because it makes us feel more then just happy but like life would be perfect if we were liked by everyone.

when marketing compnaies show commericals and make teen magazines they play off of our insecurities and give us the idea of how we have to be in order to be "cool" and for some teenagers its really stressful physicially and mentally because they strive so hard to be just like that and when it doesnt happen it can send people into a state of even lower self asteem and it makes people want to try even harder. alot of teens ask themselfs why cant i be like that, why cant i look like her because she has the perfect life but we never really look at the person being marketed to us. that person might have the same exact problem that alot of other teenagers too. Either way no one FEELS perfect, everyone has some kind of insecurity.

Another source of our meaningless is the media. Theres movie constantly being made with the same stereotypical group of people. The jock,prep,prom queen and the vally chick. they set it up in a way where if you dont fit into one of those categories then there must be something wrong with you.

I aslo think that our extreme need for a sence of meaning comes from our families and friends who are the closest people to us (in most cases). we have the need to be accepted in both our social and cultural worlds. when one doesnt work the other seams alot harder to do because we know in our heads we cant do both.

We each have a hole were trying to fill with eaither a certain image or material things. but in the end its just a fight to keep up.

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