Sunday, May 2, 2010

HW 52

Theories about Human Relatonship.

When I think about human relationships its natural for me to think about the people who I already have relationships with like my friends and family. and its natural for me not to think about the people I see in the street everyday even though it is believed that we all originate from one person. I typed in google the definition of what a "relationship" is and this was the definition it gave me "relationships-are the connections people have with other people." This definition doesnt say aything about having a connection with yourself. neither did any of the other definitions. But can we really live without connections?

Earlier in the year we had an animal unit where we discussed that animals and humans were similar. animals and humans have similar instincs and goals for life. Adults protected there young. Food, shelter and water are neciesities to live. What im trying to get at is I think human relationships arent limited to just humans. phycoligist and other educated people try to decode human relationships as if its a big mystery in the world when relationships arent just taking place with humans but with plants, animals and other living things all over the world and in the universe.

A few days ago we breifly talked about this homeless man in the street who was bleeding to death, lots of people walked by him and non of them stopped to see if he was still alive. I was really trying to think why no one wanted to help him. some of the obvious things i could think of was that he was homeless and two that he was bleeding to death. but arent those even better reasons to help this person? There were three possible reaons I came up with.
  1. Fear of failure. Felling scared or nervous that you might hurt this person in the process of trying to help them or thinking that you cant do it, you cant help this person.
  2. a Plan B that I thnk is built into everyone which is everyone for themselfs. Thinking this person is in this position fora reason why should u stop what your doing to help them when you dont have to.
  3. Fear of standing out. even though we may not have relationships with random people that walk by us in the street we still like to appear normal. so if someone notices that lots of people are walking by but no one is doing anything it makes you hesitant of helping because you want to fit in with everyone and fitting in is a human connection that alters your decision making.

A theory I have about human relationship is that the ultimate human failure is to be alone. When you think about teenagers, adults and older people we like to think about does he/she have a boyfriend, is he/she married. and when we hear that a girl or boy has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend we think dam your a loser and its sad we think that way but thats how people get us to think. Human relationships prevent us from thinking for ourselfs.

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