Monday, May 3, 2010

HW #53

I just completed the 100 question survey and i thought it was going to be more personal. but either way I don't mind answering personal questions.

Pt2-The questions that stood out to me the most were the friend questions. I think the friend questions stood out to me the most and probably everyone else as well is because these are the people we rely on when things at home aren't great and i think everyone can say that no ones friendship group is perfect. we like to believe that our friend groups are good but there's always a problem with every group, and those are probably the ones we value the most. I think we value them the most because when we look for friends we look for people who remind us of ourselves and when these human relationships go bad we feel upset because its like we lost a part of ourselves.
Pt3- what I noticed about the survey was that there were definite spots where people lied. A question I chose in particular was "I feel socially accepted." 53.8 people said yes quite alot but what i see about all these questions and this one at most is were focusing on the majority of the numbers and not the numbers in the other categories. Even though the low numbers dont dominate the survey numbers its still someone in that category and we seam to throw those people away.
a comparison I made with "I feel socially accepted." was "You make others feel bad to make yourself feel good." 1.9% said they dont feel socially accepted and 3.8% said they make others feel bad to make themselfs feel good. i think the 1.9% of people who dont feel socially accepted make others feel bad to make themselfs feel good. which is that 3.8% i feels theres a corrilation.
Pt4-I chose the teenage sex page and the question "you use condoms or other safe-sex technology." came to a 37.3 for No and the page said 8% does use safe-sex technology so we can see the big gap in the numbers and this page also said that 50% of teens are having sex and our survey said 32.7% of people said yes to that question so the numbers are pretty much similar

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