Monday, May 17, 2010

Hw 57 Parenting 101

I think that everyones style of parenting is based n how they were raised as a child. Woman use methods of feeding as breast feeding or a bottle. Naturally breast milk is better then bottle milk because it has ingredients that cant be replicated in powder milk. Some parents believe in hitting there children to make them obedient and others use fear to threaten.

There obviously isn't one good way of parenting because everyone is different. not all methods work on every kind of person. But I do believe that there are main ideas that can be executed differently to get the same results. I think the main ideas are when a child does something wrong you stop the problem before it escalates. Then the consequence and then reinforcement if the problem continues. How people execute this is all up to them.

I think that parenting comes more naturally to others and not some. There's people who really want children and people who cant stand kids. the people who don't want children does it come naturally to them? My friend is 26 years old and she wants to have kids one day soon and she feels that her child has been picked for her someone where looking down at her waiting for the day that she has her baby and she already feels the motherly connection so i wonder why i doesn't happen for other people.

If I was a parent I think i would be a great parent emotionally towards my child because I love children and I want to give them my love but at some points i know I'm not going to always know what t do and thats when my knowledge of "parenting" comes in.

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