Sunday, October 18, 2009

Feed A Compare & Contrast

I just finished reading Feed and might I say what a sad ending.

There are alot of comparisons from feed to the world us teenagers live in today. I see alot of similarities in the characters in feed and us present day teenagers. The main character Violet is different because her feed wasent implanted unti she was seven years old. Her mind had already matured so her brain was incapable of letting the feed adapt her mind so she is able to speak with her mouth. She prefers to speak with her mouth instead of e-chatting through the feed. this is very similar to teenagers today with our computers and cell phones. We are capable of speaking with our mouths but we choose to text message and aim each other instead. We have the need for an instant connection onstead of waiting till the next time we see each other to talk.

Also because violet is different she is able to use a pen to write, read and knows what life is like without the feed, she is not satisfied with the feed so she has no need for it. Us teenagers arent to the point where we cant read and write because we can but if we called our technoligy today "the feed" then we are satisfied with our own feed because we cant get enough of it. I know that my hand writing would probably be neater if my fingers werent texting so much or typing on the computer and actually using the muscels in my hands to write.

In the feed computers and TV's are directly connected to there brains when there really little. We dont have any kind of technoligy like that but habits like that start when were young children. We get used to watching tv all the time that when its taken away from us we become upset. This can connect to the pop up adds the come up in the brains from the feed. We have pop up adds as well. When we watch tv we have about five minutes of commercials, selling us products and other items.

As I said before us teenagers have the need for instant connection and for things to happen fast because were to inpantient to wait. So we have created another language for ourselfs called abbreviation. the teenagers in the feed abbreviate everything in there E-chatting. We do the same in texting and aim so that our messagers come across faster letting us do and say momre things at once.

When titus & Violet's feed are temporarily damaged they take some REAL time to get to know each other without the feed and find they they have a REAL connection besides the literal technological one. I think this may be the only good thing that feed and us real teenagers have in common. That we cant have a real connection withsomeone through technoligy, that we need to have real interactions to form connections. People dont fall in love with each others screen names, they fall in love with each others personal self.

Feed starts mentioning things about lesions and we can also connect to that because ithink there lesions have to do with the enviroment they live in. We may not get literal lesions but our bodies react differently to our enviroment, weather its a tumor, sickness or death. At the end of feed violet is paralyzed & a vegetable and its because the feed killed her body.

1 comment:

  1. To katherine:

    I really enjoyed reading your posts from 10-14 and you made it seem that you really understood the book "feed." Also it's very interesting to read that the book to you didn't really seem to helpful for people to understand. I totally agree because it can be hard to understand but once you realize the main reason why the author wrote this book, than it gets easier as you read along.

    Reading your arguments about "feed" and teenagers today is very insightful. I can see that what you are trying to say that the characters in feed really acts like us and that is "dumb." We rely on technology so much that it takes away our ability to read, write, and talk meaning our vocabulary.

    Your arguments connects to my little cousins because i seen all of them grow up and as they grow up so does the technology and it catches on to them like nothing. I mean they use to be a lot smarter until technology has taken over their abilities period. It sort of connects to how i felt about violent. Violent is this person that don't use technology and she's very smart using her hands and feet and most importantly the brain. That's how we all were but we just too cool for it so we don't except nothing less than something doing work for us.

    I think you did an awesome job so their isn't much i can say that you need to improve on. Maybe you yourself needs to stop using technology because it looks like it's taking over your life.

    Your posts made me realize that there is more than technology. There is life outside of the busy technology world. But i can't really connect to how the teens feel because i don't use technology like the other teens do. I work out in the gym 7 days a week and it's like my home away from home.

    I thank you for your posts and hope to read more of your very detailed work.
