Monday, October 12, 2009

Stranger Interwiew

Our task was to interview people on the street and ask them what they thought about digitalization and ask question we thought would get a good responce, not just typical answers everyone gives.

The first person i interviewed was a woman named Jennifer. I asked her how would she feel if i took her cell phone away from her for 24 hours. she told me " i would feel very disconnected from my world. its hard enough having to keep up with todays technoligy that without it simplifying life for me i wouldnt be able to function. i would be stressed as well."

I think that was an honest answer, a little typical but atleats she admited to it.

The next person i interviewed was a Man named Chris. I asked him did he think we are humans living in a technilogical world or the technoligy is living with us, in other words do we control technoligy or does technoligy control us. He said " thats a good question, i think that the technoligy controls us, we seam to be updating it as frequently as possible but the results is our minds change to adapt to the new technoligy. new genertaion teenagers arent adapting to the living enviroment anymore there adapting to the new technoligy because it controls everyone."

I thought his answers were really good, not regurgitated.

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