Monday, October 12, 2009

Self Experiment

For my self experiment i tried to cut out one Digital thing in my house that i thought i could manage without and i chose not to watch any TV and use my computer less and only use my sidekick.

when i got home i sat in my room and ate my dinner by myself becuase mymother likes to watch TV while she eats her dinner and did my science homework. instead of turning my computer on to listen to music i used my ipod instead. )saving electricity at that) there were alot of good shows that were going to coming on that day but i wasent going to die if i didnt see it so it didnt really matter to me. so instead i went into my back yard and look at my pond for a little bit. came back into my house and got on the phone and juss sat in my room just talking. nothing else. a few hours later after i was done i took a shower and went to bed. i found i was able to go to bed alot ealier and didnt get up so Bitchy the next morning. i did the same thing no tv, and i found i got to skool on time or ealier. it felt good not to be behind in my shedual.

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