Monday, October 12, 2009

Reasurch on Digitalization

i went to "google" and typed in The New York Times because they like to publish alot of articles about the biggest things happening in our world now and the article is called "Video-Game Killing Builds Visual Skills, Researchers Report" this article was about how first person shooter games improved visual skills.
the most intresting part of the article was this part (mentioning how it improves you..but in the next paragraph the reality of how it doesnt really help you at all)

''We were really surprised,'' Dr. Bavelier said, adding that as little as 10 hours of play substantially increased visual skills among novice players. ''You get better at a lot of things, not just the game,'' she said.

But Dr. Bavelier emphasized that the improved visual attention skills did not translate to reading, writing and mathematics. Nor is it clear that they lead to higher I.Q. scores, although visual attention and reaction time are important components of many standardized tests.

The next website i went to was Wikipedia and i typed in Cell Phone Effects and it took me to there "Mobile phones and driving safety" page.

The most intresting thing i found was when they compared people who drived with there cell phones to people who drove intoxicated to see which would cause more accidents.

"Drivers in the cell-phone condition exhibited a sluggish behavior (i.e., slower reactions) which they attempted to compensate for by increasing their following distance. Drivers in the alcohol condition exhibited a more aggressive driving style, in which they followed closer, necessitating braking with greater force."

"After controlling for driving difficulty and time on task, the study concluded that cell phone drivers exhibited greater impairment than intoxicated drivers."

The last one i did was i went to google and typed in Digitalization affects and i went to this page called "Digital library: benefit or curse?" they talk about how the demand for books is slowley increasing because there making more audio books and things like iPhone are making apps to read the same books on the phones.

"A world without books may not be realized within my generation (or ever), but the move to digitize information is increasing. As books, magazines and other publications become increasingly available on electronic devices, the need for information from libraries has been reduced, and it's not always been for the better."

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