Monday, May 17, 2010

Hw 57 Parenting 101

I think that everyones style of parenting is based n how they were raised as a child. Woman use methods of feeding as breast feeding or a bottle. Naturally breast milk is better then bottle milk because it has ingredients that cant be replicated in powder milk. Some parents believe in hitting there children to make them obedient and others use fear to threaten.

There obviously isn't one good way of parenting because everyone is different. not all methods work on every kind of person. But I do believe that there are main ideas that can be executed differently to get the same results. I think the main ideas are when a child does something wrong you stop the problem before it escalates. Then the consequence and then reinforcement if the problem continues. How people execute this is all up to them.

I think that parenting comes more naturally to others and not some. There's people who really want children and people who cant stand kids. the people who don't want children does it come naturally to them? My friend is 26 years old and she wants to have kids one day soon and she feels that her child has been picked for her someone where looking down at her waiting for the day that she has her baby and she already feels the motherly connection so i wonder why i doesn't happen for other people.

If I was a parent I think i would be a great parent emotionally towards my child because I love children and I want to give them my love but at some points i know I'm not going to always know what t do and thats when my knowledge of "parenting" comes in.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

HW 56

  1. Does religion play a part in the strength of a relationship?
  2. Do family values effect a relationship?
  3. Does education play a role in a healthy relationship?

Interview #1-

Coming soon

Thursday, May 13, 2010

HW 55

Pt1- What is the human connection that bonds certain people and not others?

Revised Question- Does the culture of our society affect and influence our relationship foundations?

To clarify this question I would define what is the culture of our society.

When think about the culture of our society I think about what I know personally because the internet and book is going to give us a standard definition of what they think is the culture of our society. 
There are men who abuse woman, which is very common. 1.3 million woman are physically abused every year. The woman who are being abused who have children witnessing the abuse grow up. Between 3.3 and 10 million children witness domestic violence every year. These examples definitely show Society's affect on relationships. its a trend that influences more and more people to commit domestic violence. 
There things like Cyber bullying between boys and girls that can drive some kids to kill other people and kill themselves. 
    Cyber Bullying Statistics
  • 42% of kids have been bullied while online. 1 in 4 have had it happen more than once.
  • 35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly 1 in 5 have had it happen more than once.
  • 21% of kids have received mean or threatening e-mail or other messages.
  • 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than 4 out of 10 say it has happened more than once.
  • 53% of kids admit having said something mean or hurtful to another person online. More than 1 in 3 have done it more than once.
  • 58% have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online.
More research to come

HW 54

So I just took the personality test and my results were ENFP. I think the only usefullness of this test are that it may help us better understand who we are. To make us feel that we belong somewhere instead of being the outcast with the wierd results. I think this test is made to prevent that. To prevent being outcasted because everyone is either one or the other.

My insights about this test is that you shouldnt really rely on this to explain who we really are and our connections with others. These test imply that people who come out with the same results have similaritis and possible would be more likley to have a better human connection when in reality everyone is different. No two people are alike. Theres this saying that two people can everything in the world in common but if there isnt that connection then it means nothing and i wonder what that connection is.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW #53

I just completed the 100 question survey and i thought it was going to be more personal. but either way I don't mind answering personal questions.

Pt2-The questions that stood out to me the most were the friend questions. I think the friend questions stood out to me the most and probably everyone else as well is because these are the people we rely on when things at home aren't great and i think everyone can say that no ones friendship group is perfect. we like to believe that our friend groups are good but there's always a problem with every group, and those are probably the ones we value the most. I think we value them the most because when we look for friends we look for people who remind us of ourselves and when these human relationships go bad we feel upset because its like we lost a part of ourselves.
Pt3- what I noticed about the survey was that there were definite spots where people lied. A question I chose in particular was "I feel socially accepted." 53.8 people said yes quite alot but what i see about all these questions and this one at most is were focusing on the majority of the numbers and not the numbers in the other categories. Even though the low numbers dont dominate the survey numbers its still someone in that category and we seam to throw those people away.
a comparison I made with "I feel socially accepted." was "You make others feel bad to make yourself feel good." 1.9% said they dont feel socially accepted and 3.8% said they make others feel bad to make themselfs feel good. i think the 1.9% of people who dont feel socially accepted make others feel bad to make themselfs feel good. which is that 3.8% i feels theres a corrilation.
Pt4-I chose the teenage sex page and the question "you use condoms or other safe-sex technology." came to a 37.3 for No and the page said 8% does use safe-sex technology so we can see the big gap in the numbers and this page also said that 50% of teens are having sex and our survey said 32.7% of people said yes to that question so the numbers are pretty much similar

Sunday, May 2, 2010

HW 52

Theories about Human Relatonship.

When I think about human relationships its natural for me to think about the people who I already have relationships with like my friends and family. and its natural for me not to think about the people I see in the street everyday even though it is believed that we all originate from one person. I typed in google the definition of what a "relationship" is and this was the definition it gave me "relationships-are the connections people have with other people." This definition doesnt say aything about having a connection with yourself. neither did any of the other definitions. But can we really live without connections?

Earlier in the year we had an animal unit where we discussed that animals and humans were similar. animals and humans have similar instincs and goals for life. Adults protected there young. Food, shelter and water are neciesities to live. What im trying to get at is I think human relationships arent limited to just humans. phycoligist and other educated people try to decode human relationships as if its a big mystery in the world when relationships arent just taking place with humans but with plants, animals and other living things all over the world and in the universe.

A few days ago we breifly talked about this homeless man in the street who was bleeding to death, lots of people walked by him and non of them stopped to see if he was still alive. I was really trying to think why no one wanted to help him. some of the obvious things i could think of was that he was homeless and two that he was bleeding to death. but arent those even better reasons to help this person? There were three possible reaons I came up with.
  1. Fear of failure. Felling scared or nervous that you might hurt this person in the process of trying to help them or thinking that you cant do it, you cant help this person.
  2. a Plan B that I thnk is built into everyone which is everyone for themselfs. Thinking this person is in this position fora reason why should u stop what your doing to help them when you dont have to.
  3. Fear of standing out. even though we may not have relationships with random people that walk by us in the street we still like to appear normal. so if someone notices that lots of people are walking by but no one is doing anything it makes you hesitant of helping because you want to fit in with everyone and fitting in is a human connection that alters your decision making.

A theory I have about human relationship is that the ultimate human failure is to be alone. When you think about teenagers, adults and older people we like to think about does he/she have a boyfriend, is he/she married. and when we hear that a girl or boy has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend we think dam your a loser and its sad we think that way but thats how people get us to think. Human relationships prevent us from thinking for ourselfs.

Monday, April 26, 2010

HW #49

Our class Teacher/ savior film was about a Man named jake westwood. On the outside he looks like a normal History teacher. hes passionate about what he teaches and his students seam to take an intrest in history and become motivated to want to learn. Jake westwood secretly has a cocaine adiction and tries his best to hide it. one day his students catch him snorting the white powder and they loose respect and trust in him. His class is no longer intrested in history and becomes depressed. his coke habit becomes worse. His addiction has become out of control and one night while buying cocain he is robbed for the cocain, beaten and left in the street. His students who have just left a party near by find him lying in the street and take him home. The day day (saturday) they come to his house and tell him that he must quit or his coke addiction will come to the surface. the night before after they got him home the searched his house for all his hidden cocain and disposed of it. every morning he arives at school his students check him for coke and search his house as well for coke. after a few weeks he seams to be doing better without the cocain. Life seams to be getting brighter for Jake until he gets a phone call that his brother has died. hes crushed. he sits in his chair for a minute,he pulls out a line of cocain and takes a hit.


I personally didnt contribute any Huge ideas but i was part of the film playing one of the students being inspired by the teacher.

My analyasis of the films message is that in the super teacher film we made the connection between teacher and student can go past the classroom. The tone of the story is very secretive at first because hes hiding this cocain addiction. the tone for when the students find him is of dissapointment because the teacher that inspired them wasnt this perfect person they thought he was. The tone at the end of the story is silent because hes back to his old ways so what can anyone tll him now to stop.

Our movie in comparison to the super teacher is that our teacher was portrayed to be perfect that this person had a perfect life. the teachers in the movie werent perfect because they couldnt get control of there class so he was portrayed as perfect because everyone wanted to learn from him.

I think the connection between these examples of savior teachers and our own school education is almost an influence. The super teacher movies are giving an pre determinded identity of what a teacher should be like and when we enter our own school we see that its not always like that. One gets the idea from the other so either the people who make the movies base them off of real teachers who want to be saviors or teachers try to be saviors because thats the image thats been created and they want kids to be inspired by them

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48, Treatment for savior/ Teacher movie

11 year old Kimberly Wakes up, goes to school and comes home. Thats atleast what everyone thinks. Kimberlys parents and verbally abusive to her. Therefor she lacks beliefe in herself. She has difficulty reading and writng and is in danger of being held back. Her Social Studies Teacher Mr.Porter cannot help but notice her struggle but also notice's her potential to become great. He takes it upon himself to pay a little extra attention to Kimberly to see where her weak and strong points are. Kimberly is happy to be reciving the positive attention she's always wanted. Kimberlys parents soon notice that shes reciving extra help when she stays after school so her parents dont allow her to stay after school. Kimberly then falls into a depression because she can no longer get the attention she deserved.

Her teacher Mr.Porter makes it his mission to find a way to help Kimberly reach her full potential no matter what he has to do. He Begins meeting her at lunch and sending her home with work packets and instructions so that she can refer to his comments so she can complete her work better. After many months of working her reading and writing levels start to rise but its already the end of the year and ger chances of being promoted to the next grade are very slim. Mr.Porter finds it only fair to fight for her as she has fought for herself. He confronts the principle of the school with her new reading and writing levels showing her potential to increase her grades enough to be able to go to the next grade. The principle will only give her one chance to pass. she must pass a basic learning test and if she passses she will be promoted to the next grade and will be able to be able to continue in her path to sucess.

Monday, March 1, 2010

HW #42- More reasurch more thinking.

Question: Why does violence occur in school?
Accusation: School is the battle feild for bullying, isolation and violence.
insights: I wonder in my mind what it is about the set up of school that causes there to be violence? School is set up to put kids of the same age in one grade and kids of another age in the other, there is social interaction everyday between students. Everyone has different personalities and ways about going things. there some teenagers who feel they dont belong and it makes them vonerable for other people to think the same thing. Our previous cool unit we talked about the characters that we play and who is and isnt cool. The people who are considerd popular and cool usually are the ones making fun of other kids and it drives boys and girls to act there anger out in ways of violence. Some kids inflict this anger on themselfs by trying to commit suicide and cut or cause injurys on themselfs. And then there the kids who feel they must inflict the pain on everyone in and around the situation because its there only way out of there feelings.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

HW #41 internet reasurch on schooling

ABC News/ Primetime- How mean can teens be?

In this article, the main idea that is being pitched is that being in school isnt the only way to be mean to other people anymore. it states that girls are more likley to be mean to each other then boys and that girls go for the "emotional jugular".

What i noticed about this article was that they clearly mentioned that new technoligy now a days makes it easier for teenagers to be mean to each other but what i think there missing is where it all begins. In school. Without school the chance of these kids meeting is slim, the pressures of teenage existance lies within the battlefield of school.

Rachel Simmons, author of the book Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls.

Rachel Simmons book adresses the issue of "the hidden culture of agression in girls. " which happens to be a hidden issue in most middle and high schools. Her book tells a story of a girl who becomes unknowingly involved in the cruel world of girls. Thinking that these girls are her friends they begin to slowly torment her. the torment included death threats, hate mails and social exclusion in adition to emotional blows. She finally becomes fed up and tries to commit suicide. Thankfuly she survives and is now aware of this secret world of girls and begins to rebuild the pieces of her life.

I think this book is a perfect example of the topic im trying to convey.Like i said ealier school is the battle field for this hidden culture. In the adult world these kinds of acts are unaceptable and there consiquences but why is it that when it happens in schoolthere arent any consiquences? If anything its even more crucial for these consiquences to be enforced in school because it shapes how we become when we are adults. adults are better equipt to handle problems like this but were only teenagers, our minds arent fully developed, were going through puberty and life changes.


School Shootings,

The website gives an over all over view of the reasons and stories behind schools shootings and the type of kids who become violent and why.

Many of the shooters told Secret Service investigators that alienation or persecution drove them to violence. According to the United States Secret Service, instead of looking for traits, the Secret Service urges adults to ask about behavior:

1. What has this child said?
2. Do they have grievances?
3. What do their friends know?
4. Do they have access to weapons?
5. Are they depressed or despondent?

The two reasons they mention on the list are alienation and persecution which is basically they have no one to interact with in school because they have been exiled from social interaction and they feel personally targeted and mistreated.

Monday, February 8, 2010

#39- First School Assignment

Part A- One question I have for school is why do we get homework, like it really ticks me off to know that after I sit in school for six hours I have to go home and continue it again. the reason I fail someone of my classes is because I'm too tired to do my hw and I think its pointless. A school experience that I've always remembered was in 3rd grade when I first came to this school called PS.116(worst school of my entire life) I had a teacher named Teresa and she was always yelling at someone and one day she decided to yell at me because someone was reading there poem and i couldn't hear so i asked for them to read it again and she embarrassed me in front of the whole class by saying "what do you think your cute or something, hes not gonna read it again to shut up and be quiet." it really upset me and i never liked school again.

Part B- School is good in the aspect that it gives us an opportunity to meet people from different places in the world. It lets us create bonds with people we become close to. the only thing making me go to school everyday is knowing that I'm going to see my friends and get away from problems at home and its a change of scenery. The suck part about school is for me personally its very challenging at times. it determines my future and pushes me to my limits sometimes. During those times it makes me never want to go to school again but the system has made it so that I don't have a choice, either go to school and make a good life for myself and suck up the hard times or give in the towel and be a "Failure" a lot of us don't want that.

#38-Cool Art Project

The insights this piece of art gives is a way of life. If you cannot be loved then your life has no purpose. It starts off small when were younger, as crushes. As we grow it turns into something deeper. We feel that if we cannot be loved or liked then we are not socially accepted.

Are the Beatles right when they say "All you need is love?" Do we try to act cool to attract someone to love us. As teenagers in our social group we stand out when were not like everyone else. For a teenage girl in a group of four if shes the only one without a boyfriend then how does she look? And why is it that we look at each other that way? Does our need for cool lessen when we do find love? I think so because we don't have the need to impress anymore because we have met our goal. When we think about someone who has the perfect life we think about this person having the perfect husband or boyfriend and being happy. So being cool may not be that fun anyways. You have to expose your cool to attract someone, but things never works out the first time so your "Cool" is constantly being damaged.

The Process for my art project was fairly simple. I choose something that meant a lot to me and i took my own feelings and observations and wrote what I did above. I did this project alone.

Finding this art and posting it I think wouldn't be as cool as experiencing it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Final Cool Paper

Cool is a way of life that only creates two paths for us. Each path branches out into sub-paths that are like the requirements for either the cool path or un-cool path. These paths don’t allow us to be authentic in any way and force us to become actors performing a character.

“Cool” has no limitations. It doesn’t stop at the way people look, it goes deeper then the outside and goes inside a person. Down to the way someone looks, dresses, acts, talks, walks, lives and feels. Cool is like a competition to be the best at the inside and outside. it’s a never ending domino effect to see who’s going to be the coolest in the end. Is there a supreme “cool” that has a final say in who is cool and what isn’t cool?

I personally think cool is a feeling. That the reason why we look at the way someone walks, talks, dresses and acts is because it gives us a feeling. We may have been taught to feel a certain way towards someone’s appearance and there over all persona , we still do it either consciously or unconsciously. When we look at someone in the street and we think there cool, we might feel that way because what we see in them we wish we had in ourselves. So its secretly an emotional thing. We would never dare say it out loud because that would be un-cool of us. It would be un-cool to surrender to our inner feelings and admit that we wish we could be like someone else, because of the attention they get and the life style they live in because they are considered cool.

This leads me to theorizing about cool. Where does this sense of emptiness come from? and our need to have meaning? I think the main source of feeling meaningless is the want to be approved of. We desperately seek approval because it makes us feel important. To say it would make us happy is an understatement. Some people would feel more then happy because they would feel life would be perfect if we were liked by everyone. I also think that our extreme need for a sense of meaning comes from our families and friends who are the closest people to us (in most cases). we have the need to be accepted in both our social and cultural worlds. when one doesn’t work the other seams a lot harder to do because we know in our heads we cant do both. In the end its just a fight to keep up. In extreme cases Some people become over whelmed and feel that they have no way out. They are not seen as popular and everyone thinks a certain way about them and think about things like suicide and hurting themselves. This whole idea of cool can be deadly.

Therefore where are we getting this idea about being cool? Marketing companies create commercials and make teen magazines targeting our insecurities and give us the idea of how we achieve being "cool" and for some teenagers its really stressful physically and mentally. a lot of teens strive so hard to be just like what the magazines show and when it doesn’t happen it can send people into a state of even lower self esteem. It makes people want to try even harder. A lot of teens ask themselves why cant I be like that, why cant I look like her because she has the perfect life but we never really look at the person being marketed to us. that person might have the same exact problem that a lot of other teenagers too. Either way no one FEELS perfect, everyone has some kind of insecurity.

Which leads me to my next point. When people feel they need to measure up to everyone else, we start to alter our outside to fit into one of the categories we have created for ourselves. it becomes a desperate race to alter our bodies as fast as we can s that we don't have to bear the pain of un-coolness any longer. a very common form of self expression is tattoos. usually the idea behind the tattoo is the most significant part but people who feel pressured might do it to fit in. Guys who pledge to a fraternity usually have to preform some kind of initiation. The initiation is usually some form of public humiliation so there desire to fit in has increased because if they don't succeed they are seen as a "pussy" or a "punk" because they weren't man enough to finish.

what do we do when the real person we are isn't who we really want to be? how do we deal with knowing that we don't measure up? is it so bad that we want to be like everyone else if it makes us happy... it's not in my place to say but there are always pros and cons. The cons may be that our decisions will always be influenced by the people we wish to be. it renders us incapable of thinking on our own. The only pros would be that there's a possibility of achieving the goal of being cool.

when we look at ourlives really closly theres one thing we cannot deny is, that were all going to die sooner or later. So whats the point of making cool our mission to be when were going to die anyways? why do we waste our time? what is so controlling about being cool? i feel that some poeple may think if they are able to make that a accomplishment in there life that theres lifes will be more meaningful and that when they die they accomplished what they wanted.

In conclusion, its already pre determined who is and isnt going to be cool and we cant do anything about it. all we can do is make the best of the path that were given and if we must rebel then go big or go home., life is too short for small changes that arent significant.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

HW 34- The Cool Pose

Is there a path to coolness? Are these paths pre picked to give us all the same results and turn us into characters preforming for other people?

Well from reading the three links that andy gave us i started off with the "Poverty of The Mind" article about the young black youths, and how they all seam to be connected in the way that they all go down the same paths in life. what i noticed when reading this article was that these paths that the young black youth follow are almost like a right of passage. It seams that they "Bahave so self destructivly" as the article said might be because they feel they dont have any other options or other paths to follow. They have been showed the life style of a typical young black youth and they find that to be "cool" because everyone goes down the same path and if you dont then youra loser or your trying to be someone your not which i dont find true. The atricle found that the young black young that graduated high school and went to college were precived as "acting white" becuase thats the path white people follow.

From what we have been learning in class the idea seams tobe that your level of cool has to do with the level of your social status. you typically find more black and hispanic people in the lower class range. It makes it harder for people catigorized in the lower class to be looked at like a normal person as respected becuase people assum your social class represents you as a person when it doesnt.

And this is where we see the "cultural pattern" That things cannot be changed and its sad because it just becomes a never ending situation. we probably will never be able to be as authentic as we want to be.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

HW 33-Cool Paper Outline

Thesis/Central idea: The fake is real. Its a never ending chain of us trying to be cool so we can never really be authentic so we accept that who we are is partially becuase of others so its kinda fake so our fake is accepted so its real.

Main Ideas:

The Merchant of Cool videos from PBS. Specifically targeted to us teenagers, seeing how we change over time so that marketing companies know how to modify the next concept they want to advertise to us so that we can stay updated and be "cool" with the latest things. Also that they create a "Mook" as a person we can look up to depending on the type of sterotype it is weather its the jackass,prep,vally chick,jock or rebel.

Theorizing about cool and where does this sence of emptiness come from and our need to have meaning. these lifestyles are set up for us and if we dont meet those standards then we arent considerd cool or meaningful. we have a natural desire to be wanted by people physically and emotionally.

The reading we did in class about hpw we are all actors preforming a character and our goal is to make peeople believe that we are the characters that we are preforming and not the people that we really are.

we did interviews with people and asked them if they changed the way the acted and the way they looked to make other people liked them and the typical responce was "no" but we all do it in some way or another we just dont like to admit it

we chose a specific part of a person like tattoos and tried to theorize why people got tattoos and what the true meaning was behind them. alot of people saw it as a very meaningful piece of there body and we could only assum that other people got them to create an image for themselfs.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

HW 32-Tattoos

I decided not to just do tattoos but to go through all the parts of a person that we typically modify so that we can fit in better and be seen as "cool"

Starting off with the tattoo subject i do believe that some people do it for the meaning behind it and the for what it personally means to them but i also think that some people might get them to portray a certain image of themselfs that really isnt them. I feel like if there was no one left on them planet but this person there tattoos wouldnt mean anything because they have no one to show themselfs too, no one to prove themselfs too. i think there real inside person would be there.

My mother got a tattoo for her fifty-ith Birthday and it wasent for the purpose of creating an image cuz shes way old now and she got it because it was a milstone to turn 50 and she got a tattoo of Tinkerbel on her lower arm because she always wanted one and she chose tinkerbel because shes always loved disney world and how it made her feel as a child.

Next body part which goes for Guys and Girls, which is the way people present themselfs in the way they dress. Alot of people pride themselfs on making sure they look well dressed when they leave there house and other people dont really spend tones of time trying to look there absolute best. it comes more naturally to some people.

il use myself as an example, making sure i leave the house looking my best is a challange for me because there somethings i cant control but i buy things like lipgloss and hair products and expensive things so that when people look at me they think im a put together person because i want them to think that. i want them to think how i feel about myself becuase if they thought i was a sloppy person i would be upset with myself that people arent seeing my like i see myself. but then its more like if i accept myself why do i neeed other people to accept me, well i dont exactly know why its more of the feeling it gives me.

We have this idea of what the perfect Woman looks like and what the perfect man looks like and everyone tries to be up to par by modifying there own bodies. Woman get breast implants to have larger breast so they can be more appealing to men. Guys get face lifts and lipo suction so they can be more appealing to the ladies.

And last but not least we change how we act towards everyone we interact with. if we notice that the trend is trying to be funny then everyone is going to try but not everyone succed because its hard to be another person because it eventually catches up with you.